Collection: Rose Bear Collection

Our handmade bears are made entirely out of artificial roses that are arranged in a way that covers the entire surface of the bear. The roses are usually made from high-quality materials like foam giving the bear a soft and luxurious feel.

The rose bear comes in various sizes and colors, with red and pink being the most popular options. Some rose bears also have additional decorations such as ribbons, hearts, or other embellishments that add to their charm and beauty.

This gift is perfect for any special occasion where you want to express your love and affection for someone, such as Valentine's Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or even just as a surprise gift. The handmade nature of the rose bear ensures that each one is unique and made with care.

If you're looking for a thoughtful and romantic gift that will make a lasting impression, a rose bear is an excellent choice that is sure to delight your loved ones.